Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 1: 20 March 2009 - Proactiv Solutions arrives!

Today the 3-Step pack arrives with a complimentary towel (no doubt they've included this so you don't ruin your own towels with bleach). I stare at it for about an hour hoping that the answer will magically come to me and that I'm not going to regret this decision.

I have one last look around on the Proactiv website and click on the thing that lets me chat to a Proactiv rep. Yay, I can put her on the spot! So I'm asking "Sarah" about all the negative things people are saying about Proactiv drying out your skin, etc and then the chat window magically closes! I'm thinking...oh poor Sarah, I just 'hung up' on her so-to-speak. So I click it again and I get Sarah! This time she says, "how may I help you?". I re-type my question and then when its her turn to reply, BAMMM! it disconnects. Bloody asshat... I gave up.

Decided to goto the bathroom and wash my face with the stuff. Feels clean but in a chemical sort of way. I don't feel or look dry yet BUT the skin feels as though it's preparing itself to be overly dry. My paranoia sets in so after completing the 3-Step, I put "Botani Olive Repair Cream" on and "Olay Sensitive Skin Moisturiser". I've also decided that I will only be using Proactiv once every 2 days to avoid the dryness horror stories I've been reading about. Check out my photos.

Allow me to introduce myself...

Hello ALL,

Just to give you a bit of an introduction.
For the purpose of this blog, my name is "Acne Magnet".
Being that I am said magnet, I thought it only fitting to have a "spotty" themed blog page.

I've started this blog for those who wish to follow me on my Proactiv Solutions journey as it happens. In a nutshell, my sob story is that I've never grown out of my acne issues. It's not completely terrible but terrible enough for me to stay up and get sucked into those bloody Proactiv Infomercials. I've been on the Yasmin BC pill for 2 years and whilst it did work a treat on my skin (absolutely flawless), it comes with a whole bunch of dodgy side effects that are just not worth it so I've been off it for about 4 months now. As a result, my skin is back to sh*ts and I'm hoping Proactiv Solutions can save me ;p

After countless hours spend sifting through sh*tloads of forums where as it seems EVERYONE has an opinion (but no pics or anything else of use) regarding Proactiv Solutions, I still wasn't finding any answers convincing enough for me to believe in the product of not so I decided to take the plunge, give it a try myself and report accordingly and honestly (with pics!!) to all those out there wishing to see real results (good and bad) before actually buying the product and potentially f*cking up their skin - we shall dub my face "Exhibit A".